Parliament's passage of a$ 21 billion supplementary budget will reduce Iraq's overall surplus, some of which is earning millions of dollars in interest at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. 伊拉克议会通过了一项210亿美元的额外拨款预算,从而减少伊拉克的盈余总额,这些盈余中部分是存在纽约的联邦储备银行中的资本衍生出来的数百万美元的利息。
On monetary policy, the report also advised that China look first to further cuts in banks 'reserve requirements to support growth, keeping interest rate cuts in reserve in case conditions worsened more than expected. 在货币政策方面,报告还建议中国首先考虑进一步降低银行存款准备金率,以支持增长,而将降息作为后备手段,仅在形势恶化超过预期的情景下动用。
They can continue to cut interest rates and bank reserve requirements in a bid to stimulate bank lending and keep the economy growing fairly strongly. 他们可以继续降低利率和银行准备金要求,以刺激银行放贷,保持经济有相当强劲的增长。
Behind the surge are several stimulus policies since the end of March, including greater support for second-home buying, interest rate and reserve requirement cut. 销量激增的背后是自三月底以来实施的若干刺激政策,包括开放第二套住房购买,利率和存款准备金率降低。
The turn in the euro/ dollar bellwether currency pair will have little to do with valuations and more to do with signals on interest rates from the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank. 作为领头羊的欧元兑美元汇率反转,与估值的关系不大,更多地是与美联储(fed)和欧洲央行(ecb)发出的利率信号有关。
Hopefully, China will allow the renminbi to reach its true value in the interest of making it a reserve currency, and so support such a commitment. 但愿中国为了让人民币成为储备货币,允许人民币达到其真正价值,并由此支持这种承诺。
That would mean some combination of higher interest rates, increased reserve requirements for banks, a significantly lower quota for lending and currency appreciation. 这意味着要多管齐下,采取加息、提高银行准备金要求、大幅缩减放贷配额以及人民币升值等措施。
The rate of interest payable on tax reserve certificates is periodically revised in line with market trends. 储税券利率会跟随市场利率走势而定时作出调整。
The central bank also announced rises in both interest rates and bank reserve requirements, the latest in a series of such moves intended to help tame liquidity growth and cool soaring domestic share prices. 中国央行同时宣布上调人民币存贷款基准利率和金融机构存款准备金率。这是中国为了抑制流动性增长,冷却日益飙升的国内股价而采取的最新举措。
And the cut in interest rate and the required reserve ratio has ensured reasonably adequate liquidity in the banking system. 调低利率和存款筹办金率,保持银行系统流动性合理充裕。
China had already begun to implement tightening measures when it raised interest rates and increased reserve requirements last month. 中国已经开始实施一些紧缩措施&上个月提高了利率,并且提高了存款准备金要求。
Of this, only about$ 73bn was accounted for by the trade surplus and$ 30bn from foreign direct investment and interest payments from China's reserve holdings invested offshore. 在流入的这些外汇中,只有大约730亿美元来自贸易顺差,300亿美元来自外商直接投资和中国投资海外的储备资产的利息支付。
Over the past year China has raised interest rates and bank reserve requirements in an effort to fight inflation, and these measures have restricted the flow of credit into the economy. 过去一年,中国已数次上调利率,并提高了银行存款准备金率,以遏制通胀,这些举措限制了信贷流入经济。
Policymakers raised interest rates and bank reserve ratios in an effort to fight inflation and slow growth, and those policies are now starting to affect raw materials. 政策制定者上调了利率和银行存款准备金率,以遏制通胀、并减缓增长速度。这些政策现在正开始对原材料造成影响。
Since the start of the year China has increased interest rates and reserve ratios for banks several times, and has employed administrative measures such as restrictions on housing purchases and telling banks which industries to lend to. 自今年年初以来,中国已数次提高利率和银行存款准备金率,还实施了各种行政措施,如购房限制和指示各银行向哪些行业放贷。
China's current major instruments of monetary policy include open market operation, interest management, reserve regime, sub-loans and sub-discount. 中国目前的主要货币政策工具包括公开市场操作,利率管理,存款准备金制度,次级贷款和次级贴现。
( US) the rate of interest set by the Federal Reserve that member banks are charged when they borrow money through the Federal Reserve System. (美)联邦储备银行向从联邦储备金中借款的下属银行征收的利率。
One option would be to loosen the current restrictions on credit indeed, the government started this last week when it cut interest rates and reduced reserve requirements for small banks. 选择之一就是放松当前对信贷的限制事实上,上周政府已开始这么做,下调了利率和小型银行的存款准备金率。
We extend the traditional constant interest rate reserve model in life insurance with premium paid each year until death. 针对按年缴费的终身寿险模型,改进传统的常值利率的准备金模型。
Under the circumstances of interest rate liberalization, interest rate on excess reserve as the lower limit of market interest rates plays an important role in preventing interest rates from cutting down inordinately. 尤其是在利率市场化条件下,超额准备金利率成为货币市场利率的底线,对于防止利率过度低调具有其它工具所不可替代的作用。
Rhythm of Interest Increase by Federal Reserve and Expectation of RMB Appreciation 美联储加息节奏与人民币升值预期
Then to the central bank using benchmark interest rate, legal reserve ratio, the open market service operation and the rediscount rate monetary policy tool affects to the stock market carries on the correlation theories analysis. 然后对央行利用基准利率、法定存款准备金率、公开市场业务操作和再贴现率的货币政策工具对股票市场影响进行相关理论分析。
The paper give some specific suggestions including strengthen the regulation and reduce the interest rate of the reserve. 针对不足提出了包括加强监管以及降低准备金利率等相应的具体对策建议。
The general monetary policy tool is directly controlled by the central bank. And the monetary policy tool is including interest rate, reserve ratio and open market operations. 相对于货币供应量等中介指标,一般性货币政策工具是中央银行直接可控的,主要包括存贷款基准利率、法定存款准备金率和公开市场操作。
We use the event study approach examine the effect of rate interest policy and deposit reserve policy on the stock price in the short-run. 用事件研究方法检验我国利率和存款准备金率的调整对股票价格的短期影响。
At present in the authoritative economics textbooks, interest rate, deposit reserve ratio and open market operations are treated as the three major tools of monetary policy. 目前权威的经济学教科书中,利率与存款准备金率、公开市场操作一并被作为货币政策的三大工具。
At last, the paper suggest that we should shrink the size of credit, raise interest rate and reserve ratio in view of the high inflation expectations. 文章最后提出针对当前通胀预期不断加大的趋势,应该收缩信贷规模,可以适当提高利率或存款准备金率。